Wednesday, 21 July 2021


 There are several mantra Vidyās that are practiced as part of ŚrīVidyā worship. Broadly, there are two kinds of mantras – mūla Vidyās (the central or root Vidyās) and anga Vidyās (subsidiary Vidyās).


There are four main or mūla Vidyās in ŚrīVidyā

  • Gāyatri: Vedic Gāyatri, the primary Vidyā that one is initiated into, before the ŚrīVidyā mantras like Bāla or Pancadāsi.
  • Bāla: The three lettered Vidyā. The presiding devata, Bāla Mahā Tripura Sundari, is a child. Bāla is said to be one of the most attractive and wonderful forms of Devi. Holding book and japa mala and sitting in a white flower, She presides over knowledge and bliss, and grants all the boons that the devotees ask for. It is a general practice to initiate ŚrīVidyā practitioners into Bāla before initiating them into Pancadāsi. However there are several sādakās who are happier practicing Bāla Vidyā alone and have attained salvation. There are multiple Bāla mantras, such as the Māla mantra and Bāla Hridayam.
  • Pancadāsi: Pancadāsi is the famous fifteen lettered ŚrīVidyā mantra. Dakśiṇamūrti is said to be the seer of Pancadāsi. There are several variations to Pancadāsi. There are twelve major variations, and are called dvādasa Vidyās in Pancadāsi. First two of them are the famous “ka-adi” Vidyā (begininning with ka) and “ha-adi” Vidyā (begininning with ha). The remaining ten are said to be practiced by, and hence named after Manu, Candra, Kubera, Agastya, Nandikesvara, Surya, Indra, Viṣṇu, Śankara and Durvāsa. The Pancadāsi is set of three putis or groups of bījas. Each puti is said to represent a level of consicousness, a kuta in mantra Śāstra, and a granthi in Kunḍalini yoga and in general a level in sadhana. Each puti ends with Māya or Bhuvanesvari bīja. Symbolically Devi is called Tripura Sundari, since there are three Bhuvanās or Puras She is ruling. Presiding Devatās of mantras with Māyabīja are usually pleasant forms, and Tripura Sundari is one of the most pleasant and beautiful forms.
  • Śodasi: Śodasi is the sixteen lettered ŚrīVidyā. Pancadāsi with an additional bīja (usually Śrībīja) becomes Śodasi. Tripura Sundari, the presiding Devata is said to be sixteen years old. Practitioners say that there is no form of Devata which is more beautiful and pleasant than Śodasi. The very incarnation of Devi in this form is to restore desire, creation and bliss in the world.


The several subsidiary Vidyās of ŚrīVidyā are arranged into six Amnayās. Amnayā means Veda/Agama, and in Saiva there are five Amnayās. They are represented by the five faces of Śiva facing Purva (eastwards), Dakṣiṇa(southwards), Pascima (westwards), Uttara (northwards) and Urdhva (upwards). In ŚrīVidyā there is a sixth Amnaya called Anuttara. Each Amnaya is associated with a guru mandala and several Vidyās, astra kamya and parā. Besides, all the Vidyās are grouped at different levels. Some of the major Vidyās are listed below.


The Purvamnaya contains Vidyās for

  • three gurus sva-guru, parama guru and paramesthi guru
  • four peethas or seats of Devi, called Kāmagiri, Purnagiri, Jalandhara and Odyana
  • Gaṇapati , various forms of Śyāmala, Mrityunjaya, Pratyangira


Dakṣiṇamnaya contains Vidyās for

  • eight Bhairavas
  • nine Siddhās
  • three Vatukās (celibates)
  • the two feet of Devi, the prakāśa and vimarśa
  • forms of Bagala, Vārāhi, Dakśiṇamūrti and Paśupata


Pascimamnaya contains Vidyās for

  • ten Duti Devatās (messenger Devatās)
  • three mandalās (the Agni-Surya-Soma mandalās representing three putis of ŚrīVidyā)
  • ten vīra Bhairavās or warriors
  • sixty four siddhas
  • forms and associate Devatās of Viṣṇu
  • nine grahās
  • sura mantras or mantras for Devatās like Indra


Uttaramnaya contains Vidyās for

  • Mudra Navakam or mantras for nine mudrās
  • Viravāli or the five presiding Devatās of the universe (Brahma, Viṣṇu, Rudra, Īśvara and SadaŚiva)
  • Forms of Durga, Candi, Kāli etc.


Urdhvamnaya has Vidyās for

  • Mālini or Mātrika varna māla (the alphabet mantras)
  • Guru Mandala
  • parā Vidyās like parā Sāmbhavi, Paramba, parā Śodasi, Khecari, Ajapa, Tvrakāmba, Niśkala


Anuttaramnaya has Vidyās for

  • Catuśpāt or Gāyatri of four feet
  • Śodasi
  • Various forms of nyāsa, sankalpa and pāduka Vidyās

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