Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Lalita Shodasi

Group Photos

Each Devi Yantra


Each Devi Mantras and Benefits

1. Nitya Kameshvari

Aim Hrim Aim Shrim Am Sa Ka La Hrim Nityaklinne Madadrave Sauh Am Kameshvari Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami

She bestows liberation by satisfying desires, providing health, safety, happiness, wealth and peace of mind Kameshvari

2. Nitya Bhagamalini

Aim Hrim Aim Shrim Am Bhagabuge Bhagini Bhagodari Bhagamale Bhagavahe Bhagaguhye Bhagayoni Bhaganipatini Sarvabhagavashankari Bhagarupe Nityaklinne Bhagasvarupe Sarvani Bhagani Me Hyanaya Varade Rete Surete Bhagaklinne Klinnadrave Kledaya Dravaya Amoghe Bhagavicce Kshubha Kshobhaya Sarvasatvan Bhagodari Aim Jem Blum Blum Blum Bhem Mom Blum Blum Hem Hem Klinne Sarvani Bhagani Me Vashamanaya strim Hara Blem Am Hrim Shri Nitya Bhagamalini Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah

She gives the practitioner the power to attract all the things the three worlds, the strength to defeat enemies, and fertility.

3. Nitya Nityaklinna

Aim Hrim Svaha Shrim Nityaklinne Madadrave im Nityaklinna Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami

Who gets the perfection of his mantra gets happiness and liberation and dominates the three worlds. She provides love and marriage.

4. Nitya Bherunda

Om Aim Hrim Krom Shrim Im Bhrom Kraum Jhmraum Cchraum Jraum Svaha Im Bherunda Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami

This mantra destroys all poisons.

5. Nitya Vahnivasini

Om Hrim Namah Vahnivasiniyai Through its mantra, obtains union with that which lies in the midst of the fire that devours the universe, dominating the three worlds.

6. Mahavajreshvari Nitya Nitya or Vajreshvari

A Klinne Hrim Aim Hrim Krom Nityamadadrave A Mahavajreshvari Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami

She destroys ignorance and lack of spiritual discrimination.On the physical plane, eliminates the ills and problems of the devotee.

7. Nitya Shivaduti

Aim Hrim Shrim Shivadutyai Shivadutinitya Namah Namah Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami It delivers what the devotees wishing fairly. Annihilates injustice and the ethical and moral failings.

Leads the practitioner to experience Shiva.

8. Tvarita Nitya, also called Devi Totala

Om Hrim Hum Khe Ca Che KSAH Strim Kse Hrim Hum Phat

It gives very fast to that which is devoted to the repetition of his mantra results. Provides wisdom, wealth, health, long life.Protects from attacks and poverty. Grants a power of attraction to practitioners.

9. Nitya Kulasundari

Aim Hrim Klim Aim Shrim Sauh Kulasundari Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami

The practitioner provides full wisdom. Grants protection from enemies.

10. Nitya Nitya

Ha Sa Ka La Ra Ha Sa Ka La Daim Dim Ra Ha Sa Ka La Ra Dauh Nitya Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami

Grants the power of speech to its practitioners, what they say is realized. Also provides physical strength.

11. Nitya Nilapataka

Aim Hrim Krom Shrim Phrem Strum Am Aim Klim Blum Nityamadadrave Phrem Hum Hrim Shri Nitya In Nilapataka Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah

This provides Nitya powers (siddhis) to his devotees. Also provides success and victory in what the practitioner strives.

12. Vijaya Nitya

Aim Hrim Shrim Bha Ra Ma Ya Aum Aim Vijaya Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami

It delivers win battles, disputes and success in buying and selling of goods.

13. Nitya Sarvamangala

Aim Hrim Om Shrim Svaum Sarvamangala Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami

She gives all the gifts, and makes all auspicious activities, both in material and spiritual world. Protects his devotees in travel.

14. Nitya Jvalamalini

Om namo Bhagavati Jvalamalini devadevi sarva bhuta samharakarike jatavedasi jvalanti jvala jvala Hum Hrim Hrim prajvala prajvala Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Jvalamalini Hum Phat Svaha Provides powers (siddhis), destroys enemies, gives riches.

You can enter into communication with this divinity when it is invoked inside a boy or a girl, and also in the water.

15. Chitra Nitya

Aim Hrim Shrim Ckaum Am Chitra Nitya Shri Namah Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami She provides spiritual self-knowledge and wealth.

Gives the practitioner the power to convince others.

16. Lalita Tripura Sundari or Tripurasundari (or Lalita) as the sixteenth Nitya, or as the totality of Nityas.

Her yantra is Shrichakra or Shri Yantra, which summarizes all other yantras. 
  • Lalita Tripura Sundari or Shri Yantra Some tantras inform the fifteen Nityas should be considered localized in the central white triangle of the Shri Yantra (called Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra), starting from the bottom edge (1) in a counterclockwise direction. The central point of the Shri Yantra (bindu) is considered as representing the totality, ie, Maha Tripura Sundari.  
  • Some tantras inform the fifteen Nityas should be considered localized in the central white triangle of the Shri Yantra (called Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra), starting from the bottom edge (1) in a counterclockwise direction. The central point of the Shri Yantra (bindu) is considered as representing the totality, ie, Maha Tripura Sundari.


  1. Whoever you are sir, thank you very very

  2. Thanks man...Have been interested in this for quite a while. It seems super complicated. Energetically, these Divine Ladies appear to align with the Petals Of Vishuddhi Chakra...a set of 16 vectors radiating at 22.5° intervals from the spine at the base of the throat/shoulders area...Like all Sanskrit letters which align with discrete locations on the human body.

  3. thanks a ton for the information.

  4. I am a Balatripurasundari upasagi. This post means a lot to me.Thanks Dr.
    -Dr.Geetha Bharathi

  5. I am currently reading secrets of the Eternal Moon Phase Goddesses, and I thank you for providing the beautiful mantras and their meanings along with each image of the Goddess in your article.


