Friday, 4 December 2020


We saw the whole universe, moving and non-moving within nails of  lotus feet of the Devî. We saw there 
myself, Visnu, Rudra, 

  1. Vâyu, Agni, Yama, Moon, Sun, Varuna, Tvastâ, Indra, Kuvera and other Devas, 
  2. Apsarâs, Gandarbhas, 
  3. rivers, oceans, mountains, 
  4. Visvâvasus Chitraketu, Sveta, Chitrângada, 
  5. Nârada, Tumburu, Hâ Hâ Hû Hû and other Gandarbhas, 
  6. the twin As'vins, 
  7. the eight Vasus, 
  8. Sâdhyas, Siddhas, the Pitris, 
  9. Ananta and other Nâgas, Kinnaras, 
  10. Uragas,Râksasas, 
the abode of Vaikuntha, the abode of Brahmâ, Kailas'a mountain, the best of all mountains; all were existing there.  

Within that nail of the toe were, reflected all the things of the Universe. The lotus whence I was born, the four faced Brahmâ like myself on that lotus, Bhagavân Jagannâth lying on that bed of Ananta, the two Demons Madhu Kaitabha, all I saw there. 

 Seeing all these wonderful things within the nails of Her lotus feet, I became greatly surprised and thought timidly :-- “What are all these!” My companions Visnu and S'ankara were struck with wonder. We three, then, made out that She was our Mother of the universe.

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