Thursday, 3 December 2020

Departed Mahabharata

Kunti then spoke to the auspicious Vyâsa :-- “O Krisna! I saw my son Karna, only just when he was born; my mind is being very much tormented for him; so, O great ascetic! Show him once to me. O highly fortunate One! You alone can do this; so O Lord! Satisfy my heart’s desire.”

Gândhârî said :-- “O Muni! I did not see while Duryodhan went to battle; so, O Muni! Show me Duryodhana with his younger brothers.”

Subhadrâ said :-- “O Omniscient one! I want very much to see the great hero Abhimanyu, dearer to me than my life even; O great ascetic! Show him once to me.” (33-57.)

Sûta said :-- Satyavatî's son Vyâsa Deva, hearing their words, held 

Prânâyama (deep breathing exercise)

and meditated

on the eternal Devî, the force of Brahmâ. 

When the evening time came, the Muni invited Yudhisthira and all others to the banks of the Ganges. He then bathed in the Ganges

and began to chant hymns in praise of the Devî Brahmâmayî Prakriti, resting on the Purusa, the Dweller in the Mani Dvîpa, with attributes, at the same time transcending them, thus :-- 

“O Devî! When Brahmâ was not, Visnu was not, Mahes'vara was not, nor when existing lndra, Varuna, Kuvera, Yama, and Agnî, Thou alone existed then; my salutation to Thee.

When there existed not water, Vâyu, ether, earth and their Gunas, taste, smell, etc.,

when there were no senses, mind, Buddhi, Ahamkâra;

when there existed no Sun, Moon nor anything,

Thou alone existed then; so, O Devî! I bow down again and again to Thee. O Mother! Thou holdest all these visible Jîva lokas in the cosmic Hiranyagarbha;

again Thou bringest this Hiranyagarbha, the sum-total of Linga Sarîras (the subtle bodies),

with the Gunas Sattva, Rajas and Tamas to a state of equilibrium named Sâmyâvasthâ and remainest quite independent and apart for a Kalpa period. At that time even those that are possessed of the power of great discrimination and dispassion cannot fathom Thy nature.

O Mother! These persons are praying to me to see their dead ones; but I am quite incapable to do that. So kindly shew them their departed ones early.” 

While Vyâsa praised thus the Devî, the Devî Mahâmâyâ, the Lady of the Universe, of the nature of Universal Consciousness 

called all the departed ones from the Heavens and showed them to their relatives. 

Then Kunti, Gândhârî, Subhadrâ, Uttarâ, and the Pandavas became very glad to see their relatives come to them again. Vyâsa, of indomitable valour, again remembering Mahâmâyâ, bade good bye to the departed ones; it seemed then, a great magic had occurred.

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