Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Sarva Raksha Kara

In this enclosure, the Mother is called the protector. It has ten triangles.

(Sarva Raksha Kara; Shloka: sadAnandamayi cinmayi sadAshivamayi, dashatrikoNayutasarvarakShAkaracakreshvari

(Translation: The Goddess of the Sarvarakshakara cakra, which consists of ten triangles, is of the nature of eternal bliss, consciousness and auspiciousness.))

The corresponding forms of Devi are 

  1. Sarvājna (one who knows everything), 
  2. Sarva Śakti (one who is all powerful), 
  3. Sarvaīśvarya prada (one who grants all worldly possessions and occult powers), 
  4. Sarva jnāna mayi (one who is knowledge personified), 
  5. Sarva vyādhi vināṣini (one who prevents all kinds of ailments),
  6. Sarva ādhāra swarupa (one on who rests the entire universe), 
  7. Sarva pāpa hāri (one who cleanses and absolves from all kinds of sins),
  8. Sarva ānanda mayi (one who is bliss personified), 
  9. Sarva rakśa svarūpini (the protector), 
  10. Sarvepsita phala prade (granter of all desires, granter of the fruits of all deeds/worship/sacrifice).

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