Thursday, 10 December 2020


Everyday one virgin or increased by one, two, or three every day or nine virgins in all the days respectively are to be worshipped. 

Virgin aged one year, is not to be worshipped
  1. two years is named the Kumârî; 
  2. three years is named the Trimurtî 
  3. four years, is called the Kalyânî; 
  4. five years, Rohinî; 
  5. six years, Kâlikâ; 
  6. seventh year, Chandikâ; 
  7. eighth year, S’âmbhavî; 
  8. ninth year, Dûrgâ; and 
  9. ten years, is called Subhadrâ. 
Virgins aged more than ten years are not allowed in all ceremonies.

One should worship these virgins, taking their names and observing all the rules. I am now mentioning the different results that arise from the worship of these nine classes of virgins.

  1. The worship of Kumârî leads to the extinction of miseries and poverty, to the extirpation of one’s enemies and the increment of riches, longevity and power. 
  2. The Trimurtî Pujâ yields longevity, and the acquisition of the three things, Dharma, wealth, and desires, the coming in of riches, sons and grandsons. 
  3. Those who want learning, victory, kingdom and happiness, they should worship the Kalyânî, the fructitier of all desires. 
  4. Men should worship Rohinî duly for the cure of diseases. 
  5. For the destruction of enemies, the worship of the Kâlikâ with devotion is the best. 
  6. For prosperity and riches, Chandikâ is to be worshipped with devotion. 
  7. For the enchanting and overpowering of one’s enemies, for the removal of miseries and poverty, and for victory in battles, S’âmbhavî worship is the best. 
  8. For the destruction of awfully terrible enemies and for happiness in the next world, the worship of Dûrgâ is the safest and best. 
  9. People worship Subhadrâ when they want their desires to be fulfilled.

People should, with great devotion, worship the Kumârîs (virgins) with the mantrams “S’rîrastu” or other mantrams, beginning with “S’rî” or with the seed mantrams.

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