Thursday, 17 December 2020


 The Asura then began to shoot sharp arrows after arrows like poisonous snakes. The Mahâmâyâ, by Her own arrows, cut off those of Her enemy and began to shout loudly. The fight then raged furiously, when both parties began to use 

  1. arrows, 
  2. S’aktis, 
  3. clubs, 
  4. Musalas, and 
  5. Tomaras. 
Blood began to flow in the battle-field in torrents like rivers and on the banks of that river of blood, were seen the severed heads of the dead bodies which looked like so many hollow shells of  gourds, as if kept there by the attendant of the god of Death, for their swimming purposes. The battle-field, then, became very dreadful and impassable; at some places dead bodies are lying; 

  1. wolves are feeding on their flesh; at other places are seen 
  2. jackals, 
  3. dogs, 
  4. herons, 
  5. crows, 
  6. vultures, 
  7. eagles, and other voracious birds and beasts and iron-tipped arrows, eating the dead bodies of those wicked demons. Air began to emit an offensive smell, because of its contact with these corpses; and there were heard the heart-rending sounds of various carnivorous birds and animals. 

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