Wednesday, 9 December 2020


 33. Vyâsa said :-- Thus saying, Sudars’ana mounted on his chariot and was ready to start. Seeing this Manoramâ began to bless him and so cheer him.


34-37. O Son! Let Ambikâ Devî protect your front; Padmalochanâ protect your back; Pârvatî, your two sides; S’ivâ Devî, all around you; Vârâhî, in dreadful paths; Durgâ, in royal forts, Kâlikâ, in terrible fights; Parames'varî, in the platform hall; Mâtamgî, in the Svayamvara hall; Bhavanî, the Avertress of world, amidst the kings; Girijâ, in mountain passes; Chamundâ, in the sacrificial ground, and let the eternal Kâmagâ, protect you in the forests.


38. O Descendant of Raghu family! Let the Vaisnavî force protect you in quarrels; let Bhairavî protect you in battles and amongst your enemies.


39. O Son! Let the Mahâ Mâyâ Jagaddhâtrî Bhuvanes’varî protect you everywhere and at all times.


40. Vyâsa said :-- Then Manoramâ, speaking thus to him, trembled with fear and again said :-- “O Sudars’ana, I will also accompany you; there will not be otherwise.


41. I will never be able to remain anywhere without you and even for the twinkling of an eye. O Son, carrry me thither where you are desiring to go.”


42. Thus saying, his mother with her attendants was ready to start. The Brâhmanas pronounced their blessings. All then went out.

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