Monday, 1 April 2024


Visnu then addressed all the Devas to give all their auspicious ornaments and weapons, He said :-- “O Devas! Better give, all you the various arms and weapons, endowed with strength, created out of your own weapons and give them all today to the Devî.”

Vyâsa said :-- On hearing Visnu's words, the Devas became very glad and presented immediately their own weapons, ornaments and clothings. 

  1. The Ksiroda (Milk) Ocean presented to Her gladly, the well fitted necklace, clear as crystal, and a pair of divine cloths, of a red colour, never becoming old and very fine. 
  2. Vis'vakarmâ was very much gratified in his heart and presented a divine jewel to be worn in Her diadem or crest blazing like hundreds of suns; white earrings; bracelets for Her wrist, bracelets for Her upper arm, and other bracelets decked with various gems and jewels and anklets brilliant like gems, of a clear Sun-like lustre, decked with jewels, and tinkling nicely. The architect of the gods, the ocean of intellect, Vis’vakarmâ gave Her as offerings beautiful ornaments also for the neck, all very beautiful, as well as for the fingers decked with gems and jewels, all shining splendidly. 
  3. Varuna gave for Her head garland of lotuses, never fading away, of such a sweet fragrance as bees constantly hover round them and the Vaijayantî garland for Her breast. 
  4. The mountain Himâlyâ gladly offered Her various gems and a beautiful lion, of a golden colour for Her conveyance. Then that beautiful Lady, having all the auspicious signs, wishing welfare to all, and decorated with the divine ornaments began to look grand and splendid, mounted on Her conveyance, the Lion. 
  5. Visnu then created another thousand spoked discus (Chakram) from His own Chakra, capable to take off the head of any Asura, and offered it to Her. 
  6. S’ankara created another excellent Tris'ûla from his own Trident, terrible and demon-killing, and offered it to the Devî. 
  7. Varuna created another bright conch from his own conch and offered it gladly to the Devî. 
  8. Fire offered Her a weapon named S'ataghni which kills violently the demons, as if that is another god of death. 
  9. Maruta (wind), the chief of the gods, offered Her a wonderful bow and arrow case filled with arrows. The bow can be drawn with great difficulty and emits a very harsh sound. 
  10. Indra created another dreadful thunderbolt from his own thunderbolt and gave it at once to the Devî; as well the beautiful sonorous bell that used to hang from the elephant Airâvata. 
  11. Yama, the God of Death, created another beautiful staff from his own sceptre which takes away when time comes, the life of all beings. 
  12. Brahmâ gladly gave Her a divine Kamandalu, filled with the Ganges water; and 
  13. Varuna offered Her a weapon called Pâs'a. 
  14. Time gave Her an axe and a shield and Vis'vakarmâ gave Her a sharp Paras'u. 
  15. Kuvera, the Lord of wealth, gave her a golden drinking cup, filled with wine; and 
  16. Vâruna offered Her a divine beautiful lotus. 
  17. Vis'vakarmâ became very glad and gave Her the Kaumodakî gadâ, capable to kill the enemy of the gods and whence hundreds of bells are hanging, an impenetrable armour and various other weapons. 
  18. The Sun gave to the Divine Mother his own rays. 
The Devas, seeing Her adorned with ornaments and weapons, began to praise and chant hymns to that most Auspicious Goddess, the Great Enchantress of the three worlds.

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