Friday, 18 December 2020


 34-46. Vyâsa said :-- O King! Thus thinking in his mind, S’umbha became ready to shew his strength; and firmly resolved to fight, he said to the Devî before him :-- Devî! Fight. But, O One of delicate limbs! 

Thy so much toil is in vain. Thou hast no sense at all; for Thou art doing contrary to the doings of woman-kind. 

  1. The pair of eyes of women are their arrows; 
  2. the eyebrows are their bows; 
  3. their gestures and postures are their weapons and 
  4. their hits are those persons who are skilled in amorous love sentiments. 
  5. The dyes used in painting the bodies are their armours, 
  6. their mental desires are their chariots, 
  7. so sweet soft words and conversations are their trumpet sounds; 
  8. women have no other things for their war preparations. 
Therefore, O Beloved! Any other weapons are mere mockeries and ridiculous; their modesty is their ornament; impudence can never grace them.

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